Kaloya Regional Park, Oyama, BC

These are some of the birds I have photographed at Kaloya Regional Park today and a few days ago.  They are as follows (I think):

  1. Willow flycatcher
  2. Juvenile pygmy nuthatch
  3. Red-shafted flicker
  4. Male Calliope hummingbird
  5. Bullock's oriole
  6. Cedar Waxwing
  7. California Quail with chicks
  8. Male Harry woodpecker
  9. California gull
Each one has a story and I will no doubt write a blog on it in the near future.  I have already written a blog on the Bullock's oriole (click here).

If you are interested in finding this amazing site, see the map below.

I have been there twice and will likely go again soon hoping to find some other new bird species I haven't seen before.  My best find was the Calliope hummingbird; I have wanted to see one for years and this was my first encounter (I actually saw two).

Just a note:  the woodpecker and California gull were seen nearby but not there, although I am sure that they would certainly be in the area at some point.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen     www.ericspix.com


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