Bullock's Oriole and a handful of other cool birds

Bullock's Oriole photographed in Kaloya Regional Park, Lake Country

I just found a new favourite spot to take bird pictures.  Kaloya Park is located between Wood Lake and Kalamalka Lake in Lake Country, BC.  It is a small peninsula, only 3.7 ha in size, with just under a kilometer of trails.  The paths are well maintained and there are a host of activities that can be enjoyed there.  What impressed me the most was the wildlife.

I saw quite a few species of bird, beyond the usual varieties abundant in the area.  Perhaps the most unusual one was the male Bullock's Oriole (above) that I got a pretty good photo of.  I have only ever seen the species once, maybe twice, so find it was definitely cool.  It was raining today when I went, so I did not explore the area in the depth I normally would.  Even then, I saw a family of California Quail (2 adults and 14 chicks), a female flicker, a flock of cedar waxwings, and a host of other more familiar birds.

The Bullock's oriole I saw was a young male (first spring) as it hadn't developed the plumage associated with a fully mature breeding male adult.  They consume insects of all kinds and will take both fruit and nectar.  They have been known to take to hummingbird feeders.  They produce a bag shaped nest that is woven by the female with some help from the male.  You can see an example by clicking here.  

I had a lovely walk there and hope to return soon.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen     www.ericspix.com


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