Male hooded merganser with hood extended.
I have photographed a fair number of hooded mergansers over time, but this is the best one to date as his position and closeness to me and the sun were all near perfect. To add to the moment, his "hood" was nearly at full extension. This was the last of half a dozen photos I took.
Three years ago I photographed one in February and saw it swimming underneath the ice of a mostly frozen pond. You can read the account here. Altogether I have 6 blogs on these guys. I guess I just love their contrasty appearance and the chestnut siding of the male.
I heard yesterday that the bluebirds have returned. There is a place near Winfield where I photographed mountain and eastern bluebirds last year and western meadowlarks too. I will head up there in the next couple of days to see what I can find.
Thanks for reading.
Eric Svendsen
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