West Coast Trail - my second (and last) time out there

Back:  Josh, Kurt, Eric, Michelle, Lincoln, Leanne
Front:  Kristie, Brennan, Hudson, Charles (with pot on his head)

It was 2013, twelve years ago (hard to believe), and the bunch of us hiked the West Coast Trail from its most northern point to Tsusiat Falls.  That 25 km trip, one way, took us a week to do.  At each campsite, we took an extra day to rest, play games, and enjoy the surroundings.  

It was about spending time with my kids and my friends.  The actual location didn't really matter, although there are few places in the world as beautiful and majestic.  I photographed eagles, killer whales, and terrific landscapes.  I got many great shots of the people I care about and, best of all, enjoyed spending time with them.

Tsusiat Falls is a coastal waterfall and ends in a beach pool.  It is quite a site, although we were fogged in most of the time and didn't always get a good look at it.  Having said that, a break in the clouds let me get a nice photo of it.  You can see it below.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen     www.ericspix.com


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