Tail colour in Red-shafted flickers

I have written about flickers a few times - mostly because they are one of my favourite birds and are fairly common throughout North America.  I have never seen the yellow-shafted ones.  Two days ago I was hiking around one of my favourite bird haunts (Munson Pond in Kelowna) and saw a male high up in a tree.  My photo of him revealed the best angle I have ever gotten on the tail feather colouration.

The other shots (three on the right) have been taken over a period of 25 years and reveal some of the tail colour.  I have many more flicker photos (how many does a guy need?), but the one on the left shows the colour the best.

In the spring I find flicker tail feathers on the ground from the bird's molt.  It is a common practice for me to put one in my Ausie leather hat band.  It often stays there for the summer.  

Today's post was a bit on the silly side, but I just felt an urge to do it.  What can I say?  I am mastered by my whims.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen     www.ericspix.com


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