Ode to the bee

There are many types of bees,
Insects that are most humble.
Mason, sweat, and honey bees,
And even types of bumble.

They fly from hive to flower,
Collecting delicious treats.
Pollinating as they go,
Performing tremendous feats.

A thousand blooms they visit,
In just a couple of hours.
Getting pollen and nectar,
Going to all those flowers.

Back to the hive they travel,
Laden with precious food.
To feed the queen and young,
All the developing brood.

We collect their life's deposits,
That they store inside their hive.
Leaving just enough for them,
Winter's surplus to survive.

Pollinating trees and crops,
And providing ample honey.
You'd think we'd be thankful,
For making all that money.

We kill them by the millions,
Poison chemicals galore.
There must be another way,
Please search for it, I implore.

For without the humble bee,
Most food crops, they would perish.
The poisons, our own demise,
The bees, we should really cherish.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen     www.ericspix.com


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