Western painted turtle panorama not done for profit.

Panoramics can be done easily with cell phones or with single-shot cameras by capturing multiple images and stitching them together.  Both have a way of producing images with more resolution than you would normally get by shooting with a wide angle and cropping in a similar manner.  In the above photo, I shot ten individual images of the turtles basking on the log and then joined them together using Photoshop.

The resulting image was massive, being 18760 x 4432 pixels, or a whopping 83 mp.  Even compressed as a jpeg, the file takes up over 93 mb of space.  Printed at 200 dpi (interpolated up to 300 dpi) the image would still have incredible detail at over 2 meters wide.

The truth is though that who would have need for such an image?  This, ultimately, is my problem.  I have tens of thousands of photos, many of them pretty good, but few that would ever garner any interest.  Alas, it is a good thing I don't do this for the money.  All I have is the time spent getting the photos, the time spent in post, and a collection of images stored in several hard drives saved in various locations.  However, in all of it I have done what I loved.  Be outdoors, photograph all kinds of wildlife, and muck around with computers.  Money, it seems, is beside the point.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen     www.ericspix.com


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