Counting sleeps - I need a new paradigm.

How many sleeps until Santa comes?  This is a common question for children.  They go to bed, get a good night's rest, and wake in the morning to begin another day.  One sleep.

That model no longer works for me.  I go to bed, wake a few hours later, and navigate blindly to the washroom.  Returning to my slumber sanctuary, I attempt to reengage REM but only manage to drift off in what might be called a fitful rest.  It takes only a slight bump from my partner or dog to rouse my brain into consciousness.  A noise, perhaps a falling leaf, is often enough to stop slumber.

After doing some reading or playing a game on my smartphone, a third attempt at meeting the Sandman is engaged.  If I am lucky, that may be the last time I wake in the middle of the night, that is unless nature calls once again.  Three or four sleeps in one night.

Of course, it doesn't end there.  I nod off sometimes at work, not intentionally, but sitting with a pen in my hand when all is quiet will sometimes elicit a snooze.  I have found myself writing something and later awoke to discover a randomly connected string of circles on my paper.  Lunch provides a haven for the weary and sleep-deprived; I have used that time on many occasions to obtain what the night would not give me.

I have been known to fall asleep on the bus; I remember once when I awoke and the bus had reached the end of its route, with me missing my stop entirely.  As a passenger in a car, it is easy to lay back, recline the seat, and close your eyes.  Let's not discuss what happens in the driver's seat.

And then there is home.  My castle, about the right age but certainly not fortified.  The couch or recliner calls out to my subconscious to watch some show, lie back, and relax after the day's activities.  Another sleep happens.  What are we up to now, half a dozen maybe?  

And so the question once asked comes up again.  How many sleeps until Santa comes?  That depends on how old you are.  For a child, it may only be 3 or 4, for me, it could be anywhere from 12 to 25.  I have to get a new system.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen


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