Camping - an old solution to a new problem.


Kathryn and kids on a hike while camping.

What is it about camping that evokes such strong memories?  It isn't about the quality of the food as a steady camping diet could be the ticket to malnutrition.  It's not about the accommodations that mirror a homeless encampment.  And it certainly lacks the mosquito and bug-free environment found inside a home surrounded by four walls and a dry roof.  No, there has to be something about camping that is so much better than all these detractors that is absolutely amazing.

The answer is relatively simple.  It's time with family.  Time away from electronics and distractions that discourage simple human connections between family members.  Time together doing unifying activities.  Games, hikes, exploring, and staring mindlessly at an ember-driven campfire.  Even the annoying aspects of it mentioned above celebrate a sense of togetherness and a primal need to work together.

We have been more fortunate than most as both of us were teachers and we had great swaths of time where we could disappear into the wilderness in search of adventure.  Summers were an invitation to explore.  There was also the opportunity to camp with other family members and friends to establish connections that may otherwise not occur.  In the end, camping is a metaphor for love; to enhance it, strengthen it, and grow it.

Although our kids are grown and the two of us are seasoned empty-nesters, we still enjoy camping.  Some of its greatest attributes include the opportunity to travel at a lower cost, to spend time together outside of the business of home life, and to visit friends and family that are rarely seen.  I also love the opportunity to go for walks and explore new areas; there is just so much to see.

Whether you sleep in a tent, pull a trailer, or drive a motorhome, the outcome is all the same.  Love enhanced.  Shared experiences.  Memories that will last a lifetime.  

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen


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