Adirondack chairs makes the shot

Okanagan Lake at Kelowna, BC.
I have discovered that 45 years of photography has given me an eye for when something is good.  Yesterday my family and I were at Rotary Beach in Kelowna.  After hanging out for two hours (a remarkable feat for me), I decided my camera needed to go for a walk.  I found a path that lead to a boardwalk and explored the sights.  It was there that I saw the chairs.

I knew instantly that they would make an interesting photo.  Besides the colours and relative appeal of them, they formed an arc that helps to lead your eye toward the lake.  I needed to back up far enough and high enough to get the shot I was looking for; fortunately, there was a hill immediately behind me.  The APS-C sensor camera I was carrying sported a 24 mm lens that gave it a 36 mm relative focal length which was perfect for the image I wanted to capture.

The other things in the photo I like are the willow tree off to the right and the waders just beside it.  The docked boats do not add to nor detract from the image.  If you look closely, you can see that the 2nd and 3rd chairs from the right are occupied.

It was a nice day and we had a good time.  I also got some good images of my family while out.  I am including one below.

My son, his wife and daughter at the beach.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen


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