The boat loving wiener dog.

Keisha, our first dachshund, loved boating with us.

We introduced Keisha to boating when she was still a puppy.  Her place was at the front of the boat, preferably on the deck of whatever canoe or kayak she was on.  Her balance was amazing; no matter the waves or rocking motion of the craft, she proudly became the vessel's figurehead.

If, for whatever reason, she was left ashore with a family member while another plied the waters nearby, she would let her displeasure be known to all within earshot.  Unconsolable, her boisterous vocalizations would go on until the paddler returned to include her in whatever adventure was about to happen.  

Although she liked to be on the water, she did not care to be in it.  We all tended to share that point of view.  Although she would paddle with any family member, she preferred to be with my wife, Kathryn, to whom she was closest.  She would even give up her post as lead dog to sit inside the kayak's cockpit with her.  

My favourite memory was of her getting off the kayak and onto a floating dock.  She was about to run off when we called, "Kiesha, STOP!"  Just ahead of our dog, a young girl froze in her tracks.  She had a terrified look on her face and was at a loss as to what was happening.  We found out later her name was Kiesha and had responded to our command.  Funny.

We have had a total of eight doxies.  Five adults and Kiesha had three puppies.  She lived to be the oldest of them all, reaching to a month shy of 17.  It is had loosing a dog, really a family member in so many ways.  Of all my memories of her, the ones that are foremost in my mind are those she shared with us on the water.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen


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