Barrow's Goldeneye Duck

Male Barrow's goldeneye (center) and while preening (inset)

Last week I chanced upon a couple of goldeneye ducks at a local pond bud didn't have my camera.  Today I returned more prepared and was not disappointed.  There was only a single male, but he was spectacular nonetheless.  

Goldeneyes are well deserving of their names; the bright yellow iris is hard to miss.  Their eclipse plumage is quite different, especially for the males, and do not show the large white patch near the bill.  Common goldeneyes have a larger, more circular white patch.

Goldeneyes will nest in a variety of places.  They will readily take tree cavities or nest boxes built for ducks, but also build nests in human structures or in rocky crags.  The birds favour aquatic vegetation and invertebrates and can be seen diving under the water to search for such.

I have seen goldeneye ducks in both BC and Alberta, but have never gotten a decent photo of one until today.  I am happy with the end result.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen


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