Gulls at Maude-Roxby Sanctuary on Okanagan Lake.

Adult ring-billed gull, winter plumage, on Okanagan Lake, near Kelowna.

I hiked Maude-Roxby Sanctuary yesterday to photograph whatever birds I could find.  It being early February there wasn't much to see; dark-eyed juncos, a song sparrow, a starling, and a host of flickers.  There was, however, quite a flotilla of gulls in the bay (would that make them bay-gulls - bagels?  Pardon the pun) that drew my attention.

I am somewhat hesitant to photograph gulls as I find identifying them difficult.  They take two to four years to mature, have different plumages for each year, have winter plumages that are equally perplexing, and they all mostly look the same to me.  Add to that the fact they sometimes interbreed with each other and produce hybrids with their own unique characteristics and you have what amounts to a game of pick-up sticks with an entire case of toothpicks. 

There were easily 100 gulls in front of me as I strolled along the shoreline.  Some were on a sandbar (see below photo) and an equal number were scattered about on the water's surface.  They were all peacefully enjoying the morning sun when, all of a sudden, the multitude exploded into the air as if some divine force had willed them.  There was nothing I could see or hear that would have elicited such a collective response.

Gulls on a small island sand bar near Maude-Roxby Sanctuary.

A shadow passed directly over me and, looking up, I saw what disturbed them.  a lone hawk was soaring just behind me.  Even though it showed no interest in the gulls as it was heading away from them, its silhouette was enough to cause the panicked evacuation.  I can see why those black silhouettes of falcons on windowpanes work to keep birds from striking them.  All it takes is a single glimpse to initiate a frenzy.   

I managed to get some good pictures and even identified a few gulls for my troubles.  That, and I had a story to tell.  I can honestly say that it was a successful venture.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen


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