The creek draining Two Jack Lake in Banff.

Photography to me is about capturing the beauty of what I see.  This often deals with outdoor vistas and creatures great and small.  There is a difference in my mind between seeing something and photographing it.  That difference has to do with taking the time to really look at something.

When out for a walk without a camera in hand, my goal is often to get from point A to point B.  I certainly take in the elements in the process and enjoy whatever wildlife encountered as much as anyone.  A camera, though, gives me a certain licence to explore beyond what a stroll would allow.  It makes me look and examine.

The above photograph is a good example.  If you look closely, you will notice two people (small round figures just at the bottom of the visible mountain).  Those are friends I was walking with.  As they sat and enjoyed the moment the day offered, I was busy exploring the creek.  It was my hope to take advantage of the light and interesting riparian brick-a-brack to capture a few nice photos.

And so, while my buddies soaked up the view, I was busily scurrying along the banks of the creek, snapping pictures merrily as I went.  Of all the photos I got, this one is the most satisfying.  I love how the large rocks and the invading log capture attention.  The light was just right; providing enough illumination to be provoking while the shadows were not too deep (admittedly manipulated in Camera Raw in Photoshop).  Mount Aylmer in the background provided the perfect landmark to set the environment in which the shot was taken.  All in all, it gave me more than just a memory, it gave me a tangible reminder of a time the three of us enjoyed together.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen


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