A funny thing happened on my way to the ziggurat.

Kathryn at Tulum, Mexico.

It's funny how a memory can be sparked.  Something, long buried, that exists without a conscious presence, can suddenly come to life in the blink of an eye.  Such recollections are often lit by some sense; a word, a person, a smell, or even a touch is all that is needed to rekindle an experience.  This is one of the reasons I love to look at photographs; so many memories are elicited by the merest of glimpses.  

Kathryn had won an all-expenses cruise through a fundraiser she participated in.  It was our first cruise, now some 24 years ago.  We stopped at Tulum, Mexico, where we had our first taste of the country.  The ruins were spectacular; just her and I amongst a throng of tourists.  Me, trying to be where people weren't, and her, trying to be where people were, and my cameras, lenses, flashes, and other paraphernalia that now have passed long into history.  I am so thankful that we both had the opportunity to explore and that my wife didn't attempt to strangle me with one of my many cables as they dangled from my gear.  Our goals weren't quite the same, but we coexisted, nonetheless.

It was a marvellous day.  The weather was pleasant for the tourist part of me.  The skies presented high clouds and made for perfect lighting for the photographer part, and the scenery was exceptional.  Hand-in-hand we perused the environment about us, as we still do to this day.  It doesn't matter where we are.  I still pack a camera, we still walk holding hands, and the urge to strangle me when I stop for long periods of time to capture some image still lurks at the back of her mind.  

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen.     www.ericspix.com


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