Murphy and I kayaking Two Jack Lake in Banff

I have always enjoyed kayaking with our dogs.  They sit well in the ensconced seating area and are far enough from me that there is no interference with paddling.  This was a new experience for Murphy.  Of the five dachshunds we owned, only one liked to sit on top of the kayak's deck rather than be in it.  That was our first doxie, Kiesha.  

Kiesha with my daughter, Leanne.

If you want to get noticed on the water, paddle with a cute dog.  I have paddled in many places and generally go unnoticed.  Have a wiener dog with you and suddenly you become the center of attention.  Kids point, ladies smile, and even crusty old salts such as myself become enamoured.  The dog loves to be in attendance with its human, even on the water, and it only gets better when dragonflies come near to land on the boat.  Suddenly you hear a rapid snapping sound and a blur of activity as the beast attempts to impale the offending insect with its teeth.  

The strangest event happened with our dog Smudge.  My two kids and all three dogs were paddling on a perfectly flat lake, no wind present to wrinkle the glorious image it reflected.  Suddenly Smudge, the longest and youngest of all of them, took it upon himself to explore this marvellous reflection.  I'm sure he was quite surprised when, instead of landing solidly upon it, he plunged through the facade and dove into the liquid mirror.  All I saw was a line of bubbles descending down at an oblique angle being led by a dark form.  

My solution was to dive into the water to rescue the soaking sausage.  After returning him to the canoe, I had the kids paddle to shore as I led the boat with painter in hand.  To this day I will only take a dog on the water with a leash attached to its collar.  

I have lots of stories about dachshunds and watercraft, all of them memorable.  Wonderful dogs and enjoyable company.  Just keep a leash handy.

Thanks for reading.


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