Ruddy duck

A male ruddy duck in breeding display.

There are not a lot of birds with blue bills.  Of them, the ruddy duck (also sometimes called the blue-billed duck) has one of the bluest.  The red-footed boobie has one comparable to it, although its range is limited to pelagic Central America.  Ruddy ducks are found south of the artic circle down into Central America, although the majority of that is only during summers.

I find them to be fascinating ducks; they have a wonderful courtship display that involves a vigorous shaking of the head in a front to back motion.  They use it both for attracting makes and establishing territory.  They are somewhat aggressive and will chase any other birds out of their area.

Interestingly enough, the bird is not native to Europe.  In England, 1952, capive members escaped and began breeding.  They established a population of 3500 some 40 years later and have since been expanding their range into Eruope from Belgium to Spain.

Thanks for reading.

Eric Svendsen


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