Female moose - same picture, different image.

I photographed the above moose in 2012.  At the time I was using a Nikon D7000, a reasonable camera at the time and still viable today.  The inset is the original image I took from the RAW file.  At the time I used Photoshop CS4.  Today I dug up that original image and processed it using Photoshop CC (newest edition).  That wasn't the only difference.  In between the two images is ten years of extra experience.  

You may initially think that the two images are identical.  Yes, they are the same image, but processed differently.  If you look closely (click and zoom in) you will see that the sharpness, colour, and shading are better in the newer iteration.  The reason, as pointed out, is using a better pixel editor and being able to fine-tune the results due to more experience.

If you have done any amount of photography over a span of a decade or more, I am willing to bet that you can find an old RAW image and produce a better shot with your improved skills and equipment.  I would challenge you to hunt through your images, find an old RAW image that you like, and see if you can't make a better version of it than what currently exists.  Chances are, you can.

Thanks for reading.   www.ericspix.com


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