Where my heart lives.

Where is your happy place? It should be somewhere that you find both peace and engagement. For me, it is being in the outdoors by a lake, or possibly a slow-moving river, where people are few and Nature is in her glory. The nice thing is there are so many places where that combination exists. The caveat to the whole thing though is the need for water, power, and the opportunity to acquire supplies. Although I fancy myself a woodsman, the truth is that I like my comforts. I can't be away from my camera, computer, and movies for very long. This explains why I have a giant 36 foot RV parked in my driveway.

I took this photograph of me while camping at Fish Lake, Alberta. I was doing what I love best. Being outdoors, taking pictures, kayaking, and hiking with good friends in good weather brings me the kind of deep satisfaction that I long for but rarely experience. Even though retired, the opportunity for these elements to coalesce is somewhat rare, especially with the Covid virus lurking about. When I was teaching I used to joke that summers were practice for retirement. It turns out that wasn't too far from the truth.

I decided a long time ago that relationships are the most important thing in life. To maintain those connections you have to make an effort, which means making time and being available. As I get older I find more and more of the people I care about move to distant places, being called by work or opportunity. I myself have moved and created that divide which only travel can mend. As a result, my RV not only allows the opportunity to go to my happy place, it allows me the chance to meet with those I hold dear.

What more can someone ask for? Doing something you love with someone you love somewhere you love. It really isn't all that hard.

Thanks for reading.     Ericspix     Eric Svendsen


  1. As usual, a pleasure to read. You certainly have your focus in the right place. Thanks for sharing.


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