Selling on Craigslist and Other Platforms

Nikon mount lenses I have sold using Craigslist.
Craigslist, Kijiji, and eBay are all computer media platforms that allow you to buy, sell, or just peruse a myriad of paraphernalia.  Craigslist tends to be local transactions only and typically means that you have to meet the buyer or seller face to face.  I use this platform the most because there is no mailing and little risk, as long as you are careful.  It is a free service and there is no cost to either party.  Most interactions are cash only.  Craigslist suggests to beware of posts requiring shipping.

eBay is much more of a global market.  I have bought and sold stuff in Canada, the US, Japan, Australia, China, and even Russia.  There is a cost to use the service for the seller and the buyer ends up paying shipping, directly or indirectly.  It is riskier than Craigslist in the sense that you only have the word of the seller that the item is in good shape.  The buyer's power lies in the fact comments and reviews can be left on the seller's performance, which provides a significant incentive, to be honest.  There is also a monetary means of ensuring compliance in that payment is usually done through Paypal, which can return money if there is a scam.  Care here is warranted as wire transfers have the dubious nature of leaving the buyer left high and dry.

I haven't used Kijiji much.  Like Craigslist, it is a free service but tends to reach much further into the area that it serves.  You can keep the zone local or expand it to a much wider region.  This is particularly useful when buying or selling something that does not garnish a lot of interest.  Vehicles, pets, and even property are common entries.  Most of the time parties have to meet, but shipping is not out of the question.

I have recently had success using Facebook's marketplace.  I have both bought and sold through this platform and can say I have had reasonable success.  You can be as anonymous as you please.  it has characteristics between Craigslist and Kijiji.

If you are meeting someone, I always suggest caution.  Bring a phone, use text, meet in a public venue, and consider having a friend with you.  I usually go to a Tim's eatery and enjoy a beverage while all transactions take place.  If there is serious money involved I will go to a bank with the client to be safe after everyone is satisfied with the merchandise.  It costs very little to do a cash transfer on your credit card if buying, as long as you pay it off at your earliest convenience.  You don't want to pay 24% interest on an advance for any length of time.  For instance, $5000 will set you back $16.44 in interest if you pay it back within five days.  Wait a month and it will be $100.

Old school methods of buying and selling are still viable but do not reach nearly as many people.  Classified ads, auctions, garage sales, and consignment work but usually do not produce good results in terms of expediency or return.  On the other hand, you never know what treasures may appear.

Whatever you use, choose to be safe.

Thanks for reading.   Eric Svendsen


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