We aren't so different.

Female red-winged blackbird gathering supplies.
I was in the mood for a paddle this morning so I wandered off to a local lake and put in there.  Hoping to capture some bird photos I brought along my camera and long lens.  I saw a modest number of birds but nothing amazing.  Sometimes there is just nothing there or they are hiding quietly.  Most likely their absence was due to the late launching (10:00 am) and the generally poor weather at the moment.  Still, an eagle caught a fish, I had a glimpse of a beaver, and I did manage to take about 50 shots.

Of the photos I took I like the one above the most.  It is of a red-winged blackbird female.  She is engaged in collecting something, probably nesting material.  Red-winged blackbirds eat insects, seeds, and some berries; whatever it is does not fall into any of those categories.  The reason I like this shot though is mostly because of the great effort she is putting into accomplishing her goal.  It seems almost human-like.

Of course, by that, I mean our behaviours are sometimes very bird-like.  Consider putting yourself in a similar situation.  There is something you need to get.  It is beyond a dignified reach; no simple extension of the arm is going to resolve this.  There is no help about and there are no useful tools around like a ladder or telescoping device to come to your aid.  This must be done now.  So, regardless of risk and possible indecency you get into an awkward position and stretch.  Clearly at risk of toppling over you use one hand to grab onto something secure and distort the rest of your body while reaching with the other.  Hopefully, you don't fall on your face, or in the case of the bird, in the water.

As I was watching the drama unfold the bird managed to get her prize and flew happily away.  I did get a photo of that, but she was flying in the opposite direction.  The lack of dignity seemed not to matter to her; she had a job to do and that is all that mattered.  Maybe we should sometimes be a little more like the birds.

Thanks for reading.   www.ericspix.com   Eric Svendsen


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