Rotorua, New Zealand - The Rose Garden
I shot this two years ago while we were in New Zealand.  It was an amazing adventure and one I would love to repeat.  Photography, for me, is a licence to explore the world.  It gives me cause and motivation to leave my safe place; to extend myself beyond my comfort zone.  Not only do I get to look at the world with a new "lens" (forgive the pun), I get a few nice shots to boot.

I also enjoy the technical aspects of photography.  I guess others would call me a science geek as I have a passion for anything science related.  This extends to wildlife particularly, as some of you may have noticed, and includes anything that walks, crawls, slithers, or swims.  The wonder of it all is what really captivates me.  Finding new and amazing places and creatures, using the camera to capture the beauty in what I see, and learning more about what I just photographed.

This is especially true for the life I find.  Insect, bird, reptile, mammal, anything at all really - I need to know what it is and learn something about it.  In the process I become more familiar with the creatures I share the planet with and appreciate how wondrous they really are.  Although I could glean such information from a book or a nature show, there is nothing like seeing it in its own environment. 

I used a small aperture (f/13) at a focal length of 65 mm on a full frame DSLR camera to capture the above image.  I chose a focal point about 12 feet away from me to take advantage of the depth of field offered by the lens at those settings.  The yellow roses were used as a foreground with the rest of the garden filling the center of the image.  The path going from left to right leads the eye to the building at the back which forms the background.  The tree both frames the building and prevents the sky from being empty.  The sun was behind me to my left but up fairly high which resulted in good colour and little shade or shadow.  The sun's angle resulted in a pleasant blue sky; a polarizer improved colour and helped the clouds stand out.

All in all I like the shot; best of all it got me outdoors and I had a great time exploring.  I just love taking pictures!

Thanks for reading.   Eric Svendsen


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