More than just elevation gained.

Hiking the Diez Vistas trail near Vancouver, BC.
I took this photo six years ago.  My daughter and her friend had decided they wanted to hike the Diez Vistas (10 views) trail which starts about halfway around the Bunzen Lake trail.  Although I knew it had climbing involved, I was totally unprepared for the amount of it.  As we gained elevation there was the opportunity to see bits of the unfolding landscape.  Each new opening produced more and more spectacular views.

I was quite spent by the time we got to the top.  Mind you, the extreme exertion invested paid off when arriving at the final viewpoint.  I got some nice photos of Burrard Inlet and Indian Arm, but best of all I got a nice photo of my daughter and her friend and had engrained an eventful hike into all of our memories.  Although the purpose of many of my excursions is to take photographs, I can also say that it is the process of making memories which is most important.  Families and friends bond over shared memories and events; it is these mutual experiences that help solidify relationships.

My daughter recently asked me if I would like to do the same hike again.  As I am now approaching 60 I find that my physical fitness is more limited regardless of the hiking, biking, and kayaking that I do on a regular basis.  If I was to do the trail again I think I would bring less camera equipment, do vertical training before going, and insist on rest stops frequently.  If all that were true I think I could do it - maybe.

Regardless of the limited degree of fitness that I find myself in, I am confident in continuing to do the things I love, albeit at a reduced capacity.  I have discovered the value of moving, not only to be together and get my photographs, but because moving improves the overall quality of life.  It is in moving that your body maintains a reasonably healthy state.  When I do stuff, regardless of what it is, I generally feel better and am reasonably fit.  I also have diabetes (Type II - only on medication at the moment) and find that the activity keeps my weight down and my blood sugar in check.

Considering all the benefits there are to being active, I cannot imagine why someone would be a proponent of a sedentary existence.  Besides improved health and endurance comes the memories and the chance to ameliorate relationships through doing things with people you care about.  I think I will maintain an active mindset as long as I am able to.  I may not be able to do the Diez Vistas trail at some point, but there are still lots of other places to explore.

Life is best lived in the moment, but it is the moments lived that builds relationships.


  1. You guys should check out Garibaldi Glacier... It is a simple hike, little long, but so totally worth it. Most amazing scenery and Lake.


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